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Dr. Laurel Young

Dr. Laurel Young

Dr Laurel Young is a Consultant Rheumatologist and Senior Lecturer at University of Queensland.

She received her MBBS (Hons) at University of Queensland and internal medicine training at the Royal Brisbane Hospital.  Rheumatology training was in NSW at St Vincent’s Hospital, Prince of Wales Hospital and St George’s Hospital.

She then travelled to Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading UK as a Consultant Rheumatologist and General Physician and also spent 2 years at Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital, London. After spending 11 years in the UK working in the NHS, she finally returned to Australia.


She works privately and at the public hospital at Redcliffe. She has an interest in pregnancy and rheumatological diseases, new therapies and musculoskeletal diseases.  Research interests include pregnancy and rheumatic diseases.

She has presented to trainees in musculoskeletal examination, medical students, GPs on joint injections, fellow Rheumatologists on pregnancy and rheumatic diseases. She takes an active interest in specialist training and specialist services in rural areas.

She is currently Australian Rheumatology Association (ARA) of QLD President and on the board for the ARA.

departments: Tenant Doctors
positions: Consultant Rheumatologist